Sunday Morning Forum

A weekly time of fellowship where we discuss both historical and contemporary issues through a Christian lens. We seek to strengthen personal bonds within our church family, and to cultivate new relationships through conversation and shared experience. We work to nurture our spirituality in this secular world; understand our own faith traditions and those of others; and determine how to best express Christian faith in this diverse society. (Teens through Adults welcome). This class is a hybrid class meeting in person in room 102 and on Zoom every Sunday morning at 9:30am in the Spring and Fall. Please email the church office is you would like to receive the link to join these in-depth discussions.

Schedule for Fall 2024

September 8 – October 6 – No Future Without Forgiveness (led by rotating leaders)

Based on his work in post-Apartheid South Africa, Archbishop Desmond Tutu argues that true reconciliation cannot be achieved by denying the past.  Rather than repeat platitudes about forgiveness, he presents a bold spirituality that recognizes the horrors people can inflict upon one another, and yet retains a sense of idealism about reconciliation.  With a clarity of pitch born out of decades of experience, Tutu shows readers how to move forward with honesty and compassion to build a newer and more humane world.

October 13 – Spring 2025 Planning Session  (led by Rick Hamilton)

We will gather to discuss topics of interest for our Spring semester of Sunday Morning Forum.  All are invited to bring your ideas.

October 20 – Reconciling Ministries  (led by Amanda Holmes)

Wesley Memorial UMC is a “reconciling congregation” but are you curious about what that means? Come join us to learn about the Reconciling Ministries Network, what it means for our church to be affiliated with them, and how you can support the work of this ministry.

October 27 & November 3 – Bad Faith (Group Discussion)

This two-week video series examines the current day assault on demoracy which began in the 1960’s, and outlines how it is part of a shrewd, calculated, and well executed plan that became cloaked as a religious movement.

November 10  How Germany remembers the Holocaust (Group Discussion led by Rick Hamilton)

This short study reviews how Germany has adapted its narratives and perspectives on its 20th century history.  As Christians, what can we learn from this journey, and how might it impact our own perspectives on American history?

November 17 & 24 – Disability Justice (led by Tatum Tricarico, Director of Christan Education at Wesley Memorial)  

This two week study will focus on the “then and now” of Disability Justice.  We will start by examining some of the historical moments in the Disability rights and justice movements, including the 504 sit ins and capital crawl and powerful activists such as Judy heumann and Lois Curtis.  Then in the second week we will explore where that has brought us to and the work being done today, including Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha’s Care Work, Sins Invalid’s Disability Justice Principals, and the anti-ableism movement.

December 1-22 – God is in the Manger (led by Jeffrey Pugh)  

Selected devotions to guide and inspire readers as they move thematically through the weeks of Advent and Christmas, from waiting and mystery to redemption, incarnation, and joy.  Supplemented by an informative introduction, short excerpts from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s letters, and passages from Bonhoeffer’s Christmas sermons, these daily reflections are timeless and moving reminders of the true meaning of Christmas.  This is a book discuss with all participating.