Children/Youth Ministry

Elementary School Children


Sunday School

Children join us in worship for the first ten minutes. At about 10 minutes in, we will invite children up to the front for a Children’s time lesson with one of our wonderful Children’s volunteers. The lessons come from the Orange Curriculum, focusing on the foundations of faith for elementary age students.


Then, all elementary school aged children are welcome to join our Sunday School class. Children will walk over to Sunday School together after children’s time is over. In Sunday School we will offer music and activities based around the Children’s time lesson also pulled from the Orange Curriculum.

Parents must sign their children into Sunday School each week using this link as the children make their way to Sunday School:

After the service, parents must sign there child out using the computer in the Sunday School classroom.

Children are also welcome to remain in worship, and are encouraged to be full participants in worship, praying, singing, taking communion, and sharing the Peace of Christ, whenever they feel led. At Wesley we welcome all the sounds and activities that babies and children bring to worship!

If a child is with our volunteers and needs a diaper change or other care that teachers cannot provide, teachers will text parents or otherwise alert them.

Contact if you would like more information or for your child to get involved.


Safe Sanctuary Policies & Guidelines

A central tenet of the Christian faith is the inherent value and worth of all children, youth, and adults.  Children, youth, and other vulnerable people are least able to protect themselves in our society and are particularly vulnerable to abuse and neglect. The United Methodist Church is eager to do all it can to protect the youth, children, and other vulnerable people who participate in the life of this congregation.

Read our Safe Sanctuary Policies & Guidelines HERE

Vacation Bible School 

Each summer, we offer a Vacation Bible School day camp for one week. This allows for elementary school aged children to connect with God and church members in a fun, interactive way. The week includes Bible teachings that are designed to meet the children where they are at, crafts and games related to the Bible story, fun decorations, involved and caring leaders, and more. 

Vacation Bible School

July 28-August 1, 2025


Register your kids and sign up to volunteer for our 2025 VBS called Compassion Camp-changing the world with lovingkindness.

This camp is free to all kids from incoming Kindergarten to outgoing 5th grade. Each day will include Bible story, snack, craft, game, music, and more. This will be a week full of fun, friends, and faith, and progressive, God-centered stories.  If you have any questions, please email our Director of Christian Education, Tatum Tricarico. 

VBS Registration

VBS Volunteer Sign-Up


Middle School/High School Youth



Middle school and high school students are encouraged to be part of our Confirmation class. Confirmation is an important part of the Methodist faith tradition as well as many other Christian denominations. Youth are given the opportunity to make their faith their own through learning about core faith concepts such as sacraments, Biblical literacy, prayer, service, and more. The youth will get to connect with mentors and staff for a year long confirmation program on Sunday Mornings at 9:30. Our confirmation class starts on October 20th and goes until April. Our church uses the Confirm not Conform curriculum to allow students to explore a progressive, Methodist understanding of important faith concepts and develop their own sense of connection with God and the Church.

Contact if you would like more information or for your child to get involved. 



The Charlottesville Youth Collective

This collective is a group of 5 United Methodist churches including Wesley Memorial. Youth in 6th-12th grade are invited to attend on the 2nd Sunday of the month from 5-6:30pm. Each of the 5 churches hosts depending on the week. It is an opportunity for middle and high school aged youth to connect with others in the area, have fun, make friends, and explore faith concepts. The youth collective does an amazing job of celebrating the interests of the youth and designing youth collective meetings to be engaging, informative, faith-filled, and fun. In the past, there have been service opportunities, movie nights, justice work, faith formation, fun games, and most of all a time to just “be” you and connect with other youth in the same denomination.


Contact if you would like more information or for your child to get involved.