Leadership Board Minutes
Minutes of the November 19, 2024 WMUMC Leadership Council Meeting
The LC met at 7:00 in the Sunday Morning Forum Room and on Zoom with the following
members attending:
Andrea Zimmerman, presiding; Mandy Wilson, David Sandridge, Chris Reffett, Elizabeth
Hrncir, Victoria Hamilton, Matt Seaton, and Willow Drinkwater (on Zoom).
Sue Lewis was elected Secretary and Andrea gave a devotion based on Mark 4, from The
Message, on generosity.
Highlights from the previous month were the new Confirmation Class with children
receiving their own Bibles in their own language, the Gratitude Tree, new toner for the
copier and the DS being “happy” with Matt’s work at WMUMC.
Under Review, Updates, and Discussion:
A pianist for the choir will be found a t $100/week to help Linda while the search for
a new Music Director continues. The Stewardship Campaign to date has 22 units pledging
$103,408, toward a preliminary budget of $ 224,746.
The following issues were discussed under the budgets:
Accessibility Audit – a Braille printer ($4000.) and Hymnal ($700.) will be
accessed by a grant application.
Big Ticket items to be put into a Capital campaign: HVAC for Parsonage and
Cottage (? + $18,000); Parsonage roof ($45,000); HVAC for sanctuary
SPRC – staff increases or bonuses
Under the 70th Anniversary Vision, aka Green Church campaign, Willow led a
discussion of the Tiger proposal for solar panels on the Education building which would
require raising $100,000 and provide relief on utility bills. The proposal is not in writing yet,
due to some personal issues with the underwriting of the tax credits for the project.
However, it was noted that the roof of the Education Building will need replacing within 3 to
5 years, and current costs to do that are estimated at $25,000 to $ 28,000.
Further discussion was held on funding for the various items discussed under the
budget and Green Church Campaign. David suggested that we use current funds
for the parsonage roof, and get 2 estimates for the Education Building roof. Motion
passed to use the Emergency Fund for this, and plan to replenish it. (Mandy, Chris)
The Pastoral Preference Form required by the District was signed by all present,
indicating that we preferred that the current pastor should remain here for another
appointment year.
Given the upcoming potential Federal Immigration policy changes, the body voted to
remain a Sanctuary Church, as we did when Maria first came to us.
Congregational concerns were expressed and prayers given for Nancy Horn, Bonita Wilson
and Carol Hansen. The Report Packet including the minutes of the last meeting, which
were correct to reflect Elizabethe’ spelling, and the Consent Calendar were approved
(Chris, Mandy)
Willow offered to reach out to staff this month, and Sue will assist.
Respectfully submitted, Sue Lewis