In attendance: Chris Reffett, Elizabeth Hrncir, Victoria Hamilton, David Sandridge, Andrea Zimmerman, Pastor Seaton, Willow Drinkwater, Mandy Wilson
- Elect secretary (Mandy)
- Opening Devotion and Prayer (David)
- Highlights
- Graduation (UVA) w/potluck
- Andrea Zimmerman likes the send offs we have started doing for people who are leaving (Juliana, Morgan, Susan Gross, and John Olsson); Pastor Seaton says the Slow Church book says it is important to have rituals like welcoming new people and saying goodbye.
- Some new attendees?
- Pastor Seaton says Hymns and Pints is the best! Stella Poole is going to make a testimonial about that.
- Thanks to David for the new toilet seat!
- IMPACT had their evaluation meeting – they had over 1000 people at Nehemiah Action; we may get up to 1400 members this year.
- Review, Updates, and Discussion
- What we are doing to bring congregation in as leaders, how working groups are a great opportunity to do that, and how to communicate that to people
- This (leadership) meeting did get announced in this week’s newsletter, so Andrea made an announcement in church.
- David: Working groups are good entry points for people, and can help people over the hump if there is any reticence in participating in leadership. It’s open to all.
- Andrea asked if it would be more effective if people reached out to others to encourage them that they can do this – shows we have confidence in them, which helps them to have confidence in themselves. Victoria agreed – that was how she became involved. Victoria likened participation to “noodling”.
- Pastor Seaton said it may depend on who does the asking – being asked by another member might be more effective than being asked by the Pastor. Elizabeth disagreed, saying she joined the leadership committee because Pastor Seaton asked her.
- Pastor Seaton: working groups that have a set task list and end date are more likely to bring people in because it is not a permanent position.
- Victoria suggested a jury duty approach; what if we had a rotation, e.g. by using letters of members’ last names and making random “job” assignments – people in that group would be members of a short-term committee dealing with a task. David suggested it would help members honor their commitment to their church membership.
- Andrea suggested that we should have a copy of the directory in the leadership committee folder because we always think of the same people whenever someone is needed for a task. She will reach out to Mack.
- CE position–point person with on-boarding for moving, welcome, meal train, etc
- Looking for someone to help Tatum get settled. Chris offered to be the point person.
- It was recommended that Chris should feel free to delegate, and that Mack could help with the meal train web signup.
- Scheduling staff reviews (Linda and Mack were last week, Cameron to be scheduled)
- Parsonage walk through to be completed (Victoria and Sue)
- Planned for June 21st.
- Building usage policy
- Draft is in the folder.
- Three things Chris called out that he had questions about:
- Dropbox for the key? Decided to add renters to schedule drop-off with the office.
- Sanctuary is now a reservable space with Pastor approval, do we need to specify what it is reservable for? Weddings and funerals? Concerts and recitals? Andrea suggested that it is not necessary to indicate what the acceptable use cases are since it will be approved (or not) by the Pastor.
- Do we need to require the renter to have the adequate insurance to rent this space? Most people who want to reserve space for a one-time event wouldn’t have that insurance. David asked if our insurance would cover it? Chris said he would remove the insurance coverage question.
- Pastor Seaton: #5 says smoking is not allowed on property, but that would prohibit PACEM from participating. Maybe that is a different use case. David: does this mean no smoking indoors, or no smoking on the property? We don’t have signs on the property. Smoking is not allowed indoors.
- Victoria motioned we approve pending final revisions from tonight’s meeting, David seconded. It was approved!
- Send it to Mack once it is approved and add it to our shared folder.
- 70th anniversary celebration (Sept)
- Updates or action items (Sherry)
- Save the date is in the newsletter – September 22nd
- Contractors for Sanctuary refresh update (Victoria)–floating floor in bathroom and Pastor Matt’s office. Pastor Matt’s flooding and got a little insurance money. $7400k quote labor; $3500ish Maricus; need to get quote from Ted Horn for other spaces (discuss June and decide which fund; $1100ish from insurance)
- Victoria has a meeting with Dennis(?) with Horn this week; though, Maricus’s estimate is very competitive. She is also doing some research, because the flooring in the IMPACT office, thinking about luxury vinyl flooring rather than tile because it is less expensive and durable.
- She has another company coming in to bid for some of the work, hopes to have all the quotes in by the end of July (maybe August), but definitely for the work to be completed before the celebration.
- We need to see how much we can cover from funds. Victoria says we have funds from COVID funds, Endowment funds, and Memorial funds. David: After Capital Funds paid for the air conditioning, there is $0.66 left under Capital Funds.
- Can the Memorial funds be used for something like this? David: we would have to dig back in the records to see if there are any restrictions on this. We have been using some funds for choir and other purposes, but those are not part of the $20K funds. There are also probably memorial funds for people that some of us won’t remember.
- Flooring installation, window repair, and ceiling repair in Pastor’s Office – $4K, but with painting, etc., the highest could be $18K. Can we authorize up to $18K? (From the Memorial Funds.)
- Chris made a motion that we approve that $18K be allocated from the Memorial Fund for the work above, Willow seconded, it carried.
- David would like to move some funds into a money-market account so it can be used if needed, and maybe the rest into CDs, but need to talk to Sue because she is Finance Chair. David: Does the board have to make a motion to reinvest the funds? What he hears from Maury is that her bank has better returns. He would like to explore the possibility of moving to a bank where it could make more money. David and Sue will lay out a plan for how to invest the funds, and we will vote by email.
- Parking lot; lining has to be done before September: Three contractors will be providing estimates in the coming weeks.
- Green Church Campaign Proposal–form steering subcommittee to coordinate with celebration contacts regarding how to present it and how many people we want to have on it; limit leadership board so we can reach out to others. Possibly Carolyn Ball, Sandy Staggars, Rick Hamilton?
- Should be a short term project. Suggested members above (Carolyn, Sandy, and Rick), and Willow agreed they would be great.
- Would be $110K for solar for the church and the parsonage, and with the rebate comes down to $77K, but we also need to replace the roof on the Sunday School building in order to support the Solar Panels.
- Willow has a couple of quotes from Tiger Solar for this – need some people (and Willow urges young people) to look at this. In 9 years, the solar panels would pay for themselves; we would pay double that amount in 25 years if we don’t take this step now.
- We may need to submit a proposal to pay for this – may be able to get a grant.
- Other members of the congregation: Jim Lambert, who has already offered to help, and Joshua Barbish and Lacey Seaton were suggested.
- Willow agreed to talk to these individuals. She says she is already talking to Jim and Joshua, and she is already talking with Carolyn Ball about replacing the roof.
- Victoria recommended another roofer, Melvin T. Morgan, and said she would send information on him to Willow.
- Item in Trustees Report: Victoria suggested a TV for Youth room, her son works for Crutchfield and got a 55-inch TV, installed for $150 (the TV is donated, this is to help with labor).
- Items coming up:
- VBS: 3 kids signed up so far, it is in good shape.
- Website almost done: will be released any time now; Mack just needs to get more comfortable making changes to it.
- Highlights for Kits
- Annual Conference: starts tomorrow, safe travels to everyone who is going. (Willow, Sue, Pastor Matt, Chris, Ryan from WMUMC)
- Stewardship Campaign working group -when, speaking, theme, etc (Nov): Who would be good to work on it from the congregation? Andrea will ask Hal, Fred, Mona to join the group with Pastor Matt.
- August start on 2025 budgets
- Pastoral & Congregational Care Concerns
- Mary Allen, former member, is in town.
- Dave Evans has been asking about visitation, and he and Pastor Seaton will begin visiting homebound members every other Monday.
- Pastor Seaton will be starting his CPE; he will be taking classes starting in July every Thursday, plus 20 hours a week on work that qualifies for the CPE. He may need our support (and congregational support) to make time for this.
- A friend of Maria’s is looking for work that she doesn’t need a work permit for (like cleaning). She has three kids; we do not know what all her needs are, but they do need some help and the church is willing to help. Chris is getting more information. Pastor Seaton also suggested that Sanctuary Support may be able to help with that.
- Approval of Report Packet & Consent Calendar Items: Approved
- Closing & Prayer
- Next meeting August 20, 7:00-8:30 pm (need devotion/prayer-Elizabeth, secretary-Mandy)